Friday, May 14, 2010

Innovation in Sales and Marketing

Pressures of today's sales and marketing challenges mean that you cannot do the same old, same old....

Are you one of those who thinks customer's thinking is always right? How can you be so sure? Just because customer is on the other side does not mean customer is omniscient.

Are you one of those who thinks that your thinking is always right?

Good ideas are good but how 'implementable' are they in the 'CURRENT' context?

Many a time, there are many ideas on the table on increasing pipeline,sales etc. Check these ideas to see how many are 'do-able' ( else they would have been tried long time ago).

How many of these are tried by our competition? Whats working for them and whats not?

Are we reinventing the wheel that the idea was tried before in our own organization but did not work?

Can we try the idea in a small way so the 'failure' doesn't cost a LOT?

Try and fail fast rather than NOT TRY AT ALL.

Good luck.

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