Saturday, July 27, 2019

Gross Domestic Nothing ( GDN)

In the movie 'The Hummingbird Project’, the waitress wants to know how the new fiber pipeline that goes from Kansas Electronic Exchange to NYSE ( enabling data transfer times of 16 milliseconds) will help the lemon farmers in Zimbabwe whose shares are being traded. The project owner responds that the ‘ Zimbabwe farmers are irrelevant variable in the equation’!
A great many human endeavors of the current age tend to result in nothing concrete. The examples are many:
  1. The huge number of derivative products cooked up by the Wall Street only seem to create high trader bonuses and market volumes while resulting in huge losses on balance sheets (e.g. Deutsche Bank) , big bank failures and job losses
As George Carlin says, is this the best we can show to aliens when they visit us , as proof of our evolution???

AI searches for human intelligence , to beat

  With all the hype about AI taking over humans and humans worried about their precious skills/role in this world risk getting diminished, l...