Sunday, October 8, 2017

Ideas to Unicorns

Everyday tons of ideas on generated ,copied ,experimented  and go through their own life cycle. 

Very few of them scale up, become big enough to make an impact, sustain themselves. 

Every Hype cycle idea creates hundreds of startups ,many of them wither and fall by the wayside.  Why is the mortality rate so high?

With no shortage of funding and societies' newfound respect for startups, shouldn't more of those be thriving? 

Ideas need passionate teams to commit, pivot, persevere and focus deeper. With sustained focus comes expertise, innovation , differentiation and business survivability. 

It's a long term game. Learn from Amazon!

AI searches for human intelligence , to beat

  With all the hype about AI taking over humans and humans worried about their precious skills/role in this world risk getting diminished, l...