when something completely unexpected comes long ( like a personal tragedy, grave sickness or a pandemic), one may not be prepared. People then turn to religion/faith/science/rationality and so on. when the event is unexplainable , one may turn to relegion and faith. Since faith is not absolute but graded ( and is determined by mental condition) it tends to be fragile when bad things happen. ( E.g. why is this happening to me? Why God isn’t helping?).
Since faiths come from religions ( most of ) which demand blind faith and do not encourage doubt or questioning, the faith becomes fragile and the person becomes fearful/doubtful and vulnerable. Many look down upon those who question or doubt as 'non-believer' and ostrasize.
While those with blind faith may be able to weather the storm, those without absolute faith, waver and falter.
Compared to faith, truth is a different animal altogether. Absolute truth destroys fear and doubt. Ancient Indian philosophies encourage and infact insist on Mimansa ( consideration, thought , discussion) and Tarka ( debate) as paths to finding the truth. While a master or text may initiate someone to the truth, debate and reasoning is encouraged to self experience the truth so it stays absolute . Truth and knowledge set one free and get rid of fear/doubt and help one become mentally strong to weather the storm. With the help of reasoning, it explains the world and its happenings to help one be unwavering and strong.
In tough times, truth makes one strong compared to a fragile faith.