Saturday, March 3, 2018

Gamified Life

As proportion of digital natives in the population increase , every aspect of life is getting crowdsourced, gamified and peer measured. Ideas get better with contributions from everyone, technology is built jointly and feedback is built into the DNA of enhancing the product automatically. 
Products and services are bought through reviews, ratings on sellers determine the sales volume, participation in product development is incentivised and encouraged. These have profound implications for businesses as they create new products/services. Customers need to come in early in the product life cycle, continuously evaluate/suggest /enhance the product as it develops and then help sell it in the market place through first set of usage reviews. Amazon switches features on and off everyday purely based on customer feedback and business outcome metrics it collects. Human judgement and subjectivity is supported/dominated by customer actions and related metrics. 
No wonder startups focus on user adoption first as the users then literally ' build/enhance' the product from thereon. While this today applies to a small portion of products/services available in the market place today, this would pretty much be the norm in the near future. 
While the above would be de rigueur in B2C, what would be interesting to know is how does this apply in a B2B context? The number of customers/size of ecosystem is smaller and less public. I would presume that the digital natives in B2B will still look to a gamified environment that S/he is so familiar with in many facets of his/her life!

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