Sunday, June 24, 2018

Fantastic Four

While the unicorn stories and dollar millionaire stories in the press make for good copy, its nowhere near the bed of roses when one starts. ‘Me Too’ versions, demanding customers, motivating employees, product development challenges, IP protection, the forever present Cash flow challenges, the elusive paying customers, marketing challenges, nagging investors….. what seemed like a great idea on the back of the napkin suddenly looks like an impossible dream or a fool’s endeavor!
What can keep you going to discover the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel? Here is the listing of the Fantastic Four qualities :
  1. Passion : The #1 quality that comes thru when you interact with the first generation entrepreneur is the passion and the consequent conviction. Customers will buy the first product, employees will bite the offer , investors will commit on this quality. Do not let that die no matter the roadblocks!
  2. Positivity : What you have achieved so far ( no matter how little that is) and why you should be thankful for and take inspiration from. Think of the distance covered rather than be overawed by how much is left to go. There is no shortage of doubting thomases, cynics, critics in this world. Do not let them kill your positivity. Its infectious!
  3. Pivots : Have you looked at possible Pivots from hereon ? would they make a positive difference? Is there a pivot that can change the trajectory?
  4. Peers: You don't have to learn everything from your own experience. No matter how unique you think you are, there are similar players who have gone thru similar challenges. Their experiences can teach you what to do and what to stay away from.
No entrepreneur works towards money. Their goals are bigger and better. The Fantastic Four will help them navigate the alligator infested waters!

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