Monday, February 18, 2019

Applying Serenity Prayer

This post is not a relegious sermon. Can we apply this prayer to real life?
The Serenity Prayer is the common name for a prayer written by the American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
How do we apply this to real life? There are many things not in our control, even if we wish to change them. There are some things in our control that we can ( but we ignore or avoid ). For any business or personal problem, the wisdom to know the difference means figuring out what you can change and what you cannot.
There is no point fretting over what you cannot change. There is no time to be lost in changing the things you can to solve the problem. As you brainstorm solutions to the problem, keep this prayer in mind. It will save lot of time and money!

1 comment:

vicky said...

nice information thank for sharing this

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