Sunday, January 19, 2020

The Popular and the Right

What is popular is not necessarily right. Why?

In any area, popular is determined by the past, herdish nature,FOLO( fear of losing out) and common denominator. Going against the popular is risky and uncertain. Most are lazy to determine the right path and find it easy to follow.

In everyday life, the car that sells the most or the movie that most see 'must' be the best(!). with Instagram likes , WhatsApp forwards, established routines and traditions, most of the decisions have already been made for us. It is super convenient to let the popular bear the burden of deciding.

What if it’s not right for you? What if the popular choice is outdated and mediocre? Why is there a Pareto’s principle if everything that’s popular must be important or right?

In a world full of uncertainty and past is certainly not a determinant of the future, how will the popular help you?

Make your own path and find your own truth . Atleast you won’t be part of the fat ‘ middle’!

1 comment:

USS Uppuluri said...

Absolutely. There was a time when most men on earth believed that Earth was flat. Now we know they were all wrong.

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