The number of ways /areas this helps is just too many.
The habit is to ínquire’.
Most people are not comfortable asking questions. They might offend the others, dont know what to ask, dont want to look ‘stupid’ ….
Many are not comfortable answering. They dont know the answer, dont know whether answer is right, dont want to look ‘stupid’ or take the questions personally that someone is judging them.
Its the inquiry that leads you to the truth. Its the inquiry that helps you look at alternatives, evaluate/validate the current one and remove noise.
Its the inquiry that helps you reject projects /investments/approaches that are not worth your while, focus on the one that can stand scrutiny and move forward. It helps you get to the truth and reject falsehood. It helps you get better/smarter/closer to your goal.
Do not assume that the one questioning knows the answer. S/he may not and want to learn. Or want to look smart. Or want to be busy /noticed…..
Neither should you assume that the one questioning has a better idea. They may want to verify their idea/view point/perspective.
Anyone questioning you is helping you. If you are questioning yourself, you are helping yourself.
Thats the habit that helps you in 1000 ways.
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